Professional Skills
Graphic presentations in both print and web environments, typography, editorial design, brand development, packaging design, promotional advertising, and digital photography. Software: Adobe Creative Cloud, Mac OS.
Professional 2016-2023
Book Design and Construction
Center for Book Arts, New York, NY
3D Digital Design and Production
Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, Scotland
Bachelor of Arts 2003
Computer Graphic Art
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Honors & Awards
GDUSA American InHouse Award Book Design 2023 
‘The Octave’ featured on
Vance Digital Media Award for Best Website
Vance Editorial Excellence Award for Best Magazine Issue
Vance Editorial Excellence Award for Best Feature Design
Dean’s Scholarship
Ayres Art Scholarship
National Honors Society
ART DIRECTOR 2022–Present
Emmaus Road Publishing
Steubenville, OH (remote)

Overseeing the complete art production of popular and academic titles for Emmaus Road and Emmaus Acadmic Publishing. Responsible for interior layout and typesetting, cover design, selecting case materials, pre-press and finishing specs. Working directly with a number of printers to confirm form size, review case templates, and approving hard proofs.
     Managing a team of five freelance designers and mentoring a recent design graduate. Liaising with software companies to customize InDesign plug-ins that streamlines editorial revisions.
Providing editorial and promotional layout, even materials, and social media graphics to a variety of non-profit organizations. Clients include: Wheaton College, Northern Seminary, Emmaus Academic, Arouca Press, Sisters of Life, Lifewater, St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, and ABWE International.
Duncan Taylor Scotch Whisky
Huntly, Scotland

Designed product packaging, promotional media and sales solutions for a leading independent Scotch whisky bottler based in the Highlands. Responsible for new product development, branding and niche market positioning in Europe and North America. Liaised with external web developers, bottling facilities, printers and suppliers.
DESIGNER 2007–2008
Hotchilli Design
Aberdeen, Scotland

Produced full media campaigns including websites, corporate literature, advertising and exhibitions. Responsible for all project management and associated administration. Clients include: ConocoPhillips, Subsea 7, Inverness Museum and Art Gallery, Forestry Commission and Glenfiddich Distillery.
editorial Designer 2005–2007
Vance Publishing Corp.
Lincolnshire, IL

Collaborated with the editorial staff to direct, design, and produce covers and stylistic presentation of three home furnishings trade publications: Furniture Style, Home Fashion Forecast, and The Retail Experience. Organized and supervised monthly photo shoots of featured products and fabrics. Prepared files for production by pre-flighting, soft proofing and confirming digital approval. Designed website graphics, Flash audiovisual presentations and web banners.
     Cultivated awareness of current design issues, printing standards, hardware and software technologies. Trained 6 team members transitioning to Adobe InDeisgn.
Trinity International University
Deerfield, IL
Generated revenue for the university by designing promotions for Alumni Relations and Financial Advancement offices. Created a variety of print and audiovisual materials for campus activities and student recruitment.  Trained university staff and faculty in page layout, web software, and basic design principles.
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